Yesterday I had to leave an hour earlier from the Google DevFest 2010 event, as I have to catch up with my wife, she was waiting for me for the second Antenatal Class. I missed the Code Lab, the Maps and Buzz T-shirts. Ouch. 5:30pm I had to leave while they ended the event on 6:30pm.
Flash back: After lunch time, there were some presentations on Google Apps, by Patrick Chanezon, followed by success story of people who developed applications for Google Apps. One from ( Another round from SingPath (
One thing that was missed a lot is the power points (aka power plugs). It was awful so many people carrying laptop and no power plug on the Connexis Theater. Almost everyone were running out of battery.
I just don't know why the crowd was kinda lacking enthusiasm to verbally respond to the speaker on stage with 'ooo's, 'aaaa's, 'yeah's, 'alright's and stuffs. Most of the time the crowd was silent.
Nevertheless it was a must-attend event of this year. I will attend the next event for sure.