I have skipped some of the Google Technology User Group meetups, as our newborn baby Jasper still needed the daddy's attendance there. I tried at best to be able to support my wife during those first few 'challenging' months.
I looked at the website and wanted to see how far I have missed those meetups. One in March about SingPath (Chris' project). But he did explained to us on last Singapore Java User Group meetup. Android Honeycomb on February. January on Game Development. So much from August 2010 to March 2011.
No meetups on April and May.
So last time was the Google DevFest on June 2010. Can't believe it was one year. So what I have missed mostly were the Android stuffs.
Next meeting will be about AppEngine, stuffs I am playing with a lot. Ikai will be the speaker.
OK. Can't wait for the next meetup. Yipee!