We are implementing Hudson continuous integration server heavily. Initially we are running all our Hudson jobs on a Windows box.
Hudson is an open source continuous integration tool. It gains popularity very fast and based on my experience in production, it is one of the most active open source project component I have been using. It is pretty common to get Hudson updates more than once a week.
With support from Debian community which setup the Hudson installer which updates easily through the apt tools, I became enticed to move to Ubuntu. I was following the instructions from the Hudson CI site.
These steps show how easy it is to deploy Hudson in an Ubuntu box.
[sourcecode lang="shell"]<br />$ wget -O - http://hudson-ci.org/debian/hudson-ci.org.key | sudo apt-key add -<br />[/sourcecode]
Add this entry to your /etc/apt/sources.list using your favorite editor.
[sourcecode lang="shell"]<br />$ sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list<br />[/sourcecode]
Add this line at the end:
[sourcecode lang="shell"]<br />deb http://hudson-ci.org/debian binary/<br />[/sourcecode]
Then run the apt tool to update your Debian packages.
[sourcecode lang="shell"]<br />$ sudo apt-get update<br />$ sudo apt-get install hudson<br />[/sourcecode]
Upon finishing the whole thing, I popped out a browser and hit the URL: http://localhost:8080/, and YES! it works!
Kirain harus nginstall container dulu, model tomcat atau apa gitu. Ternyata bisa langsung ya ?
ReplyDeletePa kabar niel :P
yupe. simpel, sekarang ini kita dimanja sama tim ubuntu. ga perlu nginstal ini itu lagi, semua disulap.
ReplyDeletekabar gue baik2. elu gimana? skrg di jakarta apa di amsterdam?
What's the "tcm-webui" part of the URL for? I haven't seen that in a Hudson install before.